Η Βρετανική εταιρία κατασκευής παιχνιδιών υπολογιστών, Elite, ξεκίνησε καμπάνια χρηματοδότησης από το κοινό (crowd fund raising), για την ανάπτυξη ενός κλώνου του δημοφιλούς ZX Spectrum, που στα 80s ήταν δημοφιλές σαν παιχνιδομηχανή πέρα των άλλων χρήσεων του σαν προσωπικός υπολογιστής. Το αναδημιουργημένο ZX Spectrum θα είναι ένα bluetooth keyboard, αρχικά για iOS και σύντομα για Android και Windows Phone smartphones και tablets (και PCs, Macs), στην μορφή του 48K Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

Μετά την σύνδεση του στο smartphone/tablet θα συνδέεται στην τηλεόραση του χρήστη προβάλοντας τα ειδικά σχεδιασμένα παιχνίδια....

The recreated Sinclair ZX Spectrum will be a Bluetooth keyboard, initially for iOS and subsequently for Android and Windows phones and tablets (as well as for PCs and Macs), in the form-factor of a 48K Sinclair ZX Spectrum. It will be known as the Bluetooth ZX Spectrum. ZX Spectrum is a licensed trade mark. The Bluetooth ZX Spectrum will connect wirelessly to, for example, an iPad and in turn to a TV via Apple Airplay.” See this link for further information.

“By default, when used in conjunction with the simultaneously released and separately sold Bluetooth ZX Spectrum apps, available from the iTunes App Store and subsequently from the Google Play, Amazon App Store and Windows Store, the Bluetooth ZX Spectrum will provide authentic rubber-key play-control over a comprehensive catalogue of 100% original, officially licenced, paid-for Bluetooth ZX Spectrum games (and more) via a secure App Store environment. Either at launch or sometime later, the Bluetooth ZX Spectrum will also be 'backwardly compatible' with the existing and separately sold, 'ZX Spectrum: Elite Collection' apps, either by default or perhaps via an in-app purchase from within those apps.” You can read more about the existing ZX Spectrum: Elite Collection apps for iOS devices here and here.

“Optionally, the Bluetooth ZX Spectrum will also be a Bluetooth keyboard for other apps available from the iTunes App Store and subsequently from the Google Play, Amazon App Store and Windows Store and also applications running on PCs and Macs, making it possible to, say, type a letter on a PC using a Spectrum! Both the default and the optional functionality of the Bluetooth ZX Spectrum will be available at the time of the device’s launch. Details of how the optional functionality may be enabled will be revealed at a later date. The Bluetooth ZX Spectrum will have an end-user price of between £39.99 and £49.99 (plus delivery) and initially will be available for purchase online-only (subject to the successful funding of this project).

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